Why Singers Should Learn An Instrument, Part 2

In my first post on this subject, I discussed the musical benefits of playing an instrument. Here are some further benefits: You Alone If you can play an instrument, you will have an accompanist that will always be there for you – and that person is you. By playing guitar or piano, you will always…
Our Workshops Make Learning Fun
Music Can Be Fun Many potential students don’t realize how much fun studying music can be. The musical elements of melody, harmony, and rhythm don’t have to be learned in a dull, dry manner. These musical skills can be learned in group settings and in ways you may not have considered. Our new workshops have…
Why Performing Is Important

You Should Be Performing! So many of us take music lessons, only to have the desire and fun of learning begin to fall away after a period of time. How can we avoid this drop in enthusiasm? One of the keys is to perform on a regular basis. Researchers have found being tested on a…
Why Singers Should Learn an Instrument, Part I

Why Singers Should Learn an Instrument, Part I I have dealt with singers who are completely committed to their craft, which is great, but they resist learning any instrument besides voice. What are they missing out on? A lot! Musicianship There are areas of musicianship best developed with an instrument. A piano or guitar will…
The Top Three Musical Benefits From Learning To DJ

DJs and Electronic Dance Music are at the top of the musical world these days. There are some who feel being a DJ is just playing records and is not a musical skill. I would argue this is not true. A good DJ must have some very refined musical skills. Here are the top three…
The Top Three Reasons Why You Should Sing

Singing is a skill that many people desire but relatively few learn to do well. There are a number of reasons why I believe everyone should learn to sing. Here are a few of my favorites: Goodbye Stress Recent scientific studies show that singing, and group singing in particular, lowers stress, relieves anxiety and boosts…
Songwriting Your Way to a Singing Career

The Secret To Singing Stardom If you asked a group of kids what their dream career would be, a singing star would likely be at the top of the list. It is a highly competitive industry and many don’t achieve the dream. But there is one skill that can help get you a record deal…
Can Anyone Learn To Sing?

“I can’t sing,” exclaimed the young girl as her friends tried to drag her onto our stage at the John Henny Music Academy. As a vocal coach I have heard this countless times. My response is usually, “I’m sure your singing voice is just fine, you haven’t learned how to use it yet.” I showed…